Back-UP has completed the first year of activity, and celebrated its consortium meeting in Roessingh Research & Development premises in Enschede, the Netherlands.
RRD is the biggest centre in the Netherlands where a wide range of disciplines such as rehabilitation medicine, movement sciences, psychology, physiotherapy, biomedical sciences and computer sciences work together under a single roof for current and future innovations in rehabilitation and chronic care. The partners visited also the Roessingh Centrum voor Revalidatie and the NOVALAB, which has a completely new innovative treatment room with a great variety of rehabilitation technology and telemedicine applications, including a 3D rehabilitation treatment experimental application using virtual reality.
The meeting lasted two days. On day one, all the work packages status was deeply analysed. Day two was mostly dedicated to preparing the forthcoming review meeting: “In July, the consortium will travel to Luxembourg for the first check with EC”, says Giuseppe Caprara, Innovation manager of the project. During the meeting, Milton Hoz from Sheffied/Leeds, presented the progress in the creation of the system architecture. A first version of the baseline questionnaire has also been presented. This will be used to define the recommended treatments after the registration of the patient, and its final version is expected to be ready in January.
The next consortium meeting will be in June in Croatia, hosted by GENOS with his third party PMFST (University of Split).