Back-UP workshop on Personalised Medicine and Glycoscience

Next Tuesday, March 30th at 8:45 CEST there will be a workshop on Personalised Medicine programmes, with the participation of Dragan Primorac, President of the Croatian Society for Personalised Medicine and former Minister of Science, Education and Sports of Croatia, in which the Back-UP Platform and some of its components will be presented, with a special focus on the usage of glycans as biomarkers for inflammation.

The schedule of the workshop is:

  1. Gordan Lauc: Introduction to the Workshop (5 min)
  2. Dragan Primorac: Introduction to St. Catharine’s Hospital and its personalised medicine programmes (5 min)
  3. Helios de Rosario Martínez: Integrated BackUP system for management of low-back pain (20 min)
  4. Milton Hoz de Vila: The BackUP App (20 min)
  5. Gordan Lauc: Glycan biomarkers of inflammation (20 min)

Participate in the workshop via Zoom:

Here you can download the programme